Sevilla has been pretty tame when it comes to crazy adventures or promiscuity. It was Holy week so I was not expecting some crazy o rgy around a cross--tho u never know! The star of my trip has been the guy I am staying with....he is this gay 34 yr old man that is into asians. He met a Filipino on Thursday and since no1 was in the house he decided to fuck in the living room....he doesnt know this butttt when I got home at 5 am I saw him getting hiss ass eaten !!! I would have stayed watching but it was really dark and I was very tired and cold so I just decided to go to up to bed. I did, however, made us of my oral skills with some1 in the streets. Sevilla is great--full of narrow streets that lead no nowhere and great little places for a quickie!!! It was a true quickie!!! but a much needed one none the less. I also saw a couple taking a shit together behind a car but thats another story! Lizzie and I got into a lesbian bar to drink mojitos---worst mojitos ever---dont ever go there its right off reyes catolicos on the burger king side!!! Everyone there was a big dyke!!! so we drank our drinks and left cus i mean what the hell were we gonna find there? So my bar experience in sevilla has been limited to a Bears Bar and a lesbian bar!! some1 told me they had dark rooms here....damn !
I need to go bqck to barcelona and stay with my friend again. My mom is sending me the bank card and I need to wait for it. I know it sounds crazy but I dont wanna return to barcelona...but I guess I have to !!! This time, however, I will make sure I enjoy the other aspect of the city. Soooo, this morning I get a facebook email saying the following:
From: Eric Evans
To: Freddy J Gonzalez
Message: im sorry man i had to ban you permanently from our group "I'd fuck the caf" because of your outlandish behavior and foul language. You make us sick.
WHAT THE FUCK?? WHO IS THIS KID ? SHOULD I KNOW HIM ? and where does he get that conclusion from...if he gets it from my postings on facebook and my blog he still has a lot to see and experience cus next semester I will make sure we meet and that the sickness I cause him will be increased !!!!!!!!!!!!!
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