Ok, so this has nothing to do with my break or my Amsterdam trip...Some guy in school, who I have never met, set a picture of me dress as tinkerbell on his profile a few weeks ago and I did not really get why he would do that. The night before or a few nights before, I do not remember, I accidentally and unknowingly met one of his fraternity brothers and well--it wasn't the best of meets. I was drunk and I threw a beer bottle in some bushes at the front of his house, he got mad and demanded to know my name. If you do not know my name around WM u need to get out more...I mean i am campus celebrity!!! HELLO !! Sooooooooo, I refused to give him my name unless he revealed his. He said some fake name there and I told him mine, I did not think anything of him, I do not even remember his face it was so dark, and frankly I just do not care who it was. Soooo whatever, I find out this guy set a pic of me I send him an email asking why and then he takes it off...all is fine. Then 2 days ago I get an email on facebook from him:
From: Seamus Owens
To: Freddy J Gonzalez
Subject: Hey Cutie Pie
Message: Freddy boy I hear you were over at my house the other night all dressed up... I wish I had been here to see that sexy bod.
Now, I love admiration and I know I do look good in drag, but I just do not care to play this stupid game with him. I have not met him, I do not wanna meet him, and the most I knew about him was that he had dated some girls I know. I swear that if I would see him at a party I wouldn't even recognize him. I have a very bad phothographic memory and unless I actively want to know who you are I won't recognize you, I am too mch into myself to care about anyone else in that sense. So, I know his actions have to do with homophobic feelings or making fun of me cus i like to sometimes dress up as a girl or whatever. Come on, I do not know you, I never want to get to know you--why does it bother you. It is also funny how in his fraternity there is an obviously open gay guy--even though he claims to LOVE GEORGE BUSH. I do not care if he is homophobic; ACCEPTANCE IS NOT NEEDED NOR REQUIRED. I am not on the running for Miss America, therefore, I care little about being liked. In fact, for those of you that know me, I enjoy not being liked by everyone, and I do not work in order to be liked (and i hate people that do). It i also weird that he sent me that e-mail cus I have not dressed up in a few months nor have I gone to his house or frat house. I am still debating on answering his post; do i dedicate time to this person I do not know or do i ignore it and just bitch about it? lol
I told my mom about the whole deal and I showed her the email and she just laughed...and she said "Do they really think you are bothered by it, you have been out since 7th grade"
"I do not remember being over your house or anyone elses house dress up...anyways I am sorry I missed you. You are SOOO HOT!!!
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